What is Ensis?

Ensis Technologies was founded by Julio Martinez Thorpe and Zeb McClure. Both system architects developed the idea for Ensis from combined experiences as software developers, hardware/software troubleshooters and as experts in operating systems such as Linux, Unix and Windows.

From past work with infrastructure support teams, Zeb and Julio know how much prevention and maintenance are needed when a network is in place. “When a client had a problem with their server or network, that client ceased to be productive until the problem was fixed. The time it took for me to respond to, assess and solve the situation was a financial loss for them– Zeb says – A lot of those crises could have been prevented with the proper maintenance plan”.

“A good maintainer avoids downtime and keeps the system running well” Julio comments, remembering his many races against the clock trying to solve big, bad problems for big, angry clients. “Those problems wouldn't have happened had the client been offered the right preventive measures.”

It was for these and many other reasons that Zeb and Julio decided to join forces and go off on their own. They created a corporation that offers infrastructure maintenance and support plans, as well as remote network administration, consulting and custom software development. Ensis Technologies is the alternative for those seeking a stable, reliable computer network that allows them to work productively and comfortably.

Computers are a tool. Ensis keeps them in good shape.

¿Qué es Ensis?

Ensis Technologies está compuesta por Julio Martínez Thorpe y Zeb McClure, ambos arquitectos de sistemas quienes combinan su experiencia en los campos de programación, soluciones a problemas de hardware/software y en la utilización de sistemas operativos como Linux, Windows y Unix.

Por sus pasadas experiencias en departamentos de apoyo técnico, Zeb y Julio saben la necesidad que existe en las áreas de mantenimiento y prevención de problemas. "Cuando un cliente tenía una situación negativa con su servidor o en su red, ese cliente no podía ser productivo. El tiempo que me tomaba responder y resolver el problema era tiempo de pérdida para esa compañía" comenta Zeb. "Muchas veces esos problemas se podían evitar con un plan de mantenimiento adecuado".

"Ese debe ser el trabajo de un buen mantenedor - evitar problemas y mantener el sistema corriendo al 100% la mayor parte del tiempo" dice Julio, al recordar las carreras que tuvo que dar para salvar situaciones innecesarias.

Por estas razones deciden unir esfuerzos y crear una empresa que se dedica a establecer planes de mantenimiento para infraestructura, además de ofrecer administración remota de redes y servicios de programación. Ensis Technologies es la alternativa para aquellos que necesitan un sistema de computadoras estable y confiable, que les permita ser productivos.

Las computadoras son una herramienta. Ensis Technologies es su mecánico.